Loco Channel

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Friday, July 4, 2008

Pointless Drivel?

Given that this is my first ever blog entry on my first ever blog, I wanted to make it clear that if you think this is drivel, then you've missed the point.

Pointless drivel is just one of the loco elements of conversation that make life fun and give it depth. That kind of light/shade thing - without it all "images" of life would be black.

I don't want to give too much away about myself (just yet); but what I will say is that what inspires me are people and moments in life that are left of centre. The unique, the strange, the crazy; something that makes you stop, turn, have a laugh, cringe, cry, scream in terror.

From the ridiculous, to the stupid, to Monty Python, to strange uses of duct tape... this blog honours those who aren't beige-coloured sheep.

So, big diversion now. One thing that this blog will contain is my weekly honouring of postcards. I have a (no longer secret) obsession with them. I damn well miss them too. I do love computers and the internet, but I miss receiving letters and postcards from people. (I'm wondering how many people actually remember what to do with a pen, and where to buy stamps).

In tradition of the Blog's theme, I'll be posting some of my favourites - my ode to a (soon-to-be obselete?) tradition. So, keep an eye on the section at the very bottom of the blog called "Goin' Postal!"


sydhappyguy said...

I have such a good tape box story


Loco Mango! said...

What is your tape box story?!