Loco Channel

See bottom of page to watch the Loco Channel, see the latest Bushism and Loco Postcards!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I know I normally put the BushLoco at the bottom of this blog, but had to make this new one a feature:

"There's no question about it. Wall Street got drunk -- that's one of the reasons I asked you to turn off the TV cameras -- it got drunk and now it's got a hangover. The question is how long will it sober up and not try to do all these fancy financial instruments." --George W. Bush, speaking at a private fundraiser, Houston, Texas, July 18, 2008

AND this classic....

"Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." --George W. Bush, in parting words to British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and French President Nicolas Sarkozy at his final G-8 Summit, punching the air and grinning widely as the two leaders looked on in shock, Rusutsu, Japan, July 10, 2008


"I'll be long gone before some smart person ever figures out what happened inside this Oval Office." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 12, 2008


LocoLympics #2

So, I just noticed that the Olympics are over... Did I miss anything? Don't feel like I have, however, I would've loved to have been there for this gem of an event: (And who can blame her? I'd react in exactly the same way)

The London Paper
News Feature: Olympic bronze medallist swears live on TV and other funny Beijing 2008 moments Saturday, 23 August 2008

There was a time when swearing on live TV, throwing water in people’s faces and creating havoc with lewd conduct was the preserve of London’s celeb crowd.

But the Beijing Olympics has not just been about sporting glory and world records.

The BBC was left red-faced when London bronze medallist Bryony Shaw declared she was " so f***ing happy " to become the first British woman to win a windsurfing medal, live on television.

Speaking after her RSX race the 25-year-old said: “I love my mum and dad so much, they are so supportive. And my boyfriend Greg. My coach Tom is such a legend. I am so f****** happy.”

The BBC, probably weren’t quite so happy and immediately issued an apology for any offence caused.

And British swimmer David Davies, who secured a silver this morning in the 10k swim, doused an official with a bottle of water after she tried to usher him towards the podium. And it was not the only wayward action Davies got up this morning - he just missed out on gold because he started swimming in the wrong direction just metres from the finish line during the exhausting endurance race.

Clearly being interrupted during a press conference was too much for the exhausted swimmer.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Painful Know-it-alls

My day to vent publicly! I finally put in their place someone I work with who is your classic "Know-It-All". This is the definition of a KIA from the Urban dictionary:

1. know-it-all

A person who's quick to oppose the opinions, input, or approaches of others in seemingly every aspect of life by always trying to correct others with their own input that they present in an instructive fashion

This guy has been getting on my nerves for a long time. I usually have quite a long rope for people - it takes a lot for me to 'crack'... But this guy just went too far this time and I pretty much told him to stop being a KIA and shut up. Good thing is now he's quiet and I can enjoy my peace.

I feel better for venting already!

How people can ever think they know the answer to everthing is PLAIN LOCO!!!! 8-0

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Okay, I'm no mathematician, but I am a bored Olympic viewer. So, today Australia is fourth on the medal tally, which got me wondering how amazing this achievement is considering our population. So, out popped Excel and I formulated some numbers.... I know it's pretty rough, but it was my 5 minute shot at it. For the second table, the population is based on 43% of the population between the ages of 15-40 which I think is a fair representation of "Olympic-aged" participants.

Medal Tally Date 19-Aug-08

Country Population GMs Total Medals
Australia 20,434,176 11 33
Russia 141,377,752 8 36
Germany 82,400,996 9 23
USA 304,873,828 22 72
China 1,321,851,888 39 67

If Australia had the population of "X" they would have the following medal tally

Country (X) Population 15-40 Australian GMs Total Medals by Australia
USA 128,656,755 69 208
China 654,316,685 352 1057


Australia OWNS!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Loco-Rinso (Crazy Old Women)

I happened across this video and had to post it. I've seen many fights over the years; usually in pubs or outside pubs between young men and/or women. Never have I seen a fight that made me laugh...until now. The poor old dears don't even have the energy to stand up.

This Ping Ain't Pong

Since I'm not allowed to show clips from the Olympics, I thought I'd post two clips of one of my faviourite sports at the Olympics - Ping Pong. Why is it one of my favourites? Because it's LOCO. Hitting a small plastic white ball on a table. Can't get more Loco than that (except maybe for ribbon dancing)

Here are two "classic shots" from Ping Pong. I have no idea who these guys are, but they're pretty awesome.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

LocoLypics Lead Medal

My quest to show highlights of funny, strange or memorable tragic (but still funny) moments of the Olympics has FAILED.

I forgot that all material is owned by the Olympic Committee and the broadcasters and cannot be reproduced without written permission blah blah blah..........

So instead I'm going to have a 'poor me' moment. For the past 2 1/2 days I've had an eye infection that has rendered me totally useless for 2.5 days.... thanks to the eyedrops that force you into a cloud of near-blindness giving you the pleasure of only LISTENING to the Olympics. Maybe that's a good thing. Is it me or are these Olympics a real let down? They just don't seem to have the pizazz of the others.... I've always been an avid follower, but this time round I'm almost at the 'I couldn't care less stage'. Maybe it has something to do with Tibet. I don't know. I'm just finding them.....*yawn*.

I've added the official olympic site to its rightful place.

Monday, August 11, 2008


As a tribute to the 2008 Games, I'm going to post regular gems of Olympic moments. It's only early days with Beijing, so no bloopers yet. So, here's a taste of what's (hopefully) to come over the next fortnight:

Red-Eye Fortnight

Since my last post I've been consumed and transfixed to my TV. Damn Olympics. I can't help myself - I love sports and love them more when Aussies are hard at it. So begins a fortnight of bleary red eyes.

However, there are some sports that I can't take seriously.... Like women's gymnastics. Not all of it, but the floor routine, the bar thingy and the ball and ribbon throwing? Come on! Women's gym would be far better if they removed all of the fluff and who-har. I'm sure more gymnasts suffer injury from wrist flicking, head jerking fluffy movements than they do triple somersaulting. The guys don't carry on like parrots on crack, so why should the women? It kind of reminds me of Jane Turner and her rendition of a gymnast. I"ve been scouring the net trying to find the video to post here to show it, but no luck so far. I THINK it appeared during the "Fast Forward" series - correct me if I'm wrong. And if you have better luck than me finding it, please let me know - it deserves to be on this blog.

Just to get you in the mood (and if you don't know who Jane Turner is, SHAME on you), here's one of the famous dance routines

Friday, August 8, 2008

Happy 888 Day!

An incredibly lucky day today!
For me, bitter sweet - my parents' visit was over and they left in the wee, dark, cold hours this morning to return home.... I'm thankful that they're travelling on such a great day though.

Today is the start of a new world.

And to help celebrate this, I've included more wonderful postcards, more Bushisms and check out my videos for 888 celebrations!

Woot for 888DAG day!

Monday, August 4, 2008

"Form is Emptiness. Emptiness is Form"

For those who don't know me, I'm Buddhist. Whilst I don't visit the temple on a regular basis, I do my best to learn and live by Buddhist teachings - to me, their teachings are the only teachings that make realistic sense (particularly in today's unbalanced world). Whilst I still have alot to learn, I hope the path of learning never ends.

To signify the fortunate day of 08.08.08, at 8:08am and 8:08pm I'll strike my Buddhist bell. In Buddhism, the ringing of the bell represents the sound of Dharma, the Buddha teaching, and symbolises the accomplishment of wisdom and the realisation of emptiness. I'll be ringing the bell to ask for protection, enlightenment and cleansing for my family, friends, the planet and You.