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Monday, August 25, 2008

Painful Know-it-alls

My day to vent publicly! I finally put in their place someone I work with who is your classic "Know-It-All". This is the definition of a KIA from the Urban dictionary:

1. know-it-all

A person who's quick to oppose the opinions, input, or approaches of others in seemingly every aspect of life by always trying to correct others with their own input that they present in an instructive fashion

This guy has been getting on my nerves for a long time. I usually have quite a long rope for people - it takes a lot for me to 'crack'... But this guy just went too far this time and I pretty much told him to stop being a KIA and shut up. Good thing is now he's quiet and I can enjoy my peace.

I feel better for venting already!

How people can ever think they know the answer to everthing is PLAIN LOCO!!!! 8-0


sydhappyguy said...

Always better than holding it in, I say...

pommygran8 said...

did you breathe before you let him have it?

Loco Mango! said...

Yes, I definitely did breathe before letting him have it! It was quite a calming experience in the end - yep 'better out than in'. I think patience is definitely a virtue, but the pool of patience is only so deep :)